Your Path

April 22, 2015  •  3 Comments

I saw a tweet from Moose Peterson ( @moosepeterson ) today in which he was urging people to go out and and shoot for Earth Day 2015.

This got me thinking - mostly the "...your photographs can change the world" message, what do your photographs aspire to?

What do you as a photographer aspire to? Are you someone that takes photos of your trips so that you can sit back and remember where you were when you pressed the shutter? Do you love to tell people about the stories behind your photographs?

Do you use your photographs to benefit others? How so? I would love to hear from you on what you do with your photos and why you shoot. 

I realize I've just thrown out a lot of questions but they are honest questions. Moose is right - photographs can change the world. They can show a tender scene and turn a hardened heart into a warm, loving individual...if even just for a moment. They can brighten someone's day or take you somewhere you've never visited. I can give very special gifts to others like a portrait of a dear family member that can be shared with generations to come.

If you're not aware of Help Portrait it's a movement where photographers, make up artists, hair stylists or basically anyone that wants to help get together and shoot photos of people that haven't had their portrait made in a really long time. Some have never had a portrait of themselves. The slogan was "A picture is worth".  Photography changes the world for these people and I guarantee you that the volunteers are changed too. 


This post is mostly about hearing from YOU - how are you changing the world with your photography? What is the path you're taking your photography down?


Erich Gray(non-registered)
All I can say is "WoW"! I found your site by reviewing Zenfolio. Like you, I am also a nature photographer. And today I was just thinking of how I could give and use my camera to help those in need. Then I say Help Portrait. Not only did you give to me through that link, you sold me to Zenfolio. And your pictures are worth a thousnd words.

Thank you, Erich
Jim Sinclair(non-registered)
The Help-Portrait link was awesome. What a great idea!
Jim Sinclair(non-registered)
I reached your site from an example link on Zenfolio. Loved your Landscape work from Glacier and read your blog. Good questions regarding what I want to do with my photos? I heard a similar theme from Wildlife photographer Melissa Groo. She talks about being and environmental photographer. Thus far I use my photos to entertain me and my Facebook friends. Sometimes I educate regarding the subject of my photo and other times they are strictly for my entertainment. I like to use my photos to raise money for non-profits and hopefully raise a little for me from time to time.

Most of all, I would like to continue to grow the quality and intrigue of my photos. But secondarily, I would like them to help something or someone.

Great thought provoking blog post! And I am not a blogger. God bless!
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